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We are always listening to our Customers' needs and recommendations while using our advanced monitoring services. Utilizing the latest Internet technologies we are constantly working to improve the WebSitePulse monitoring service and to add new features to benefit our loyal Customers. To make service feature recommendation or comment, please send us a feedback.

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March 23rd, 2018   Notification of IP Changes (Shanghai, China)

Starting at 10AM EST (UTC-5) on Friday, Mar 23, 2018 we moved our monitoring location in Shanghai, China to a new datacenter. The IP address of this location was permanently changed from to

January 3rd, 2018  Notification of IP Changes (Washington, DC)

Starting at 5AM EST (UTC-5) on Wednesday, Jan 10, 2018 we will migrate our monitoring location in Washington, DC to a new server. The IP address of this location will be permanently changed from to Additionally this location will now have IPv6 support and its IPv6 address will be 2001:4802:1920:68::cce8:efcc
We expect no service interruptions but in case you need to add the new IP to your firewall or log-analyzing software, please do so before the announced day and time.