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We are always listening to our Customers' needs and recommendations while using our advanced monitoring services. Utilizing the latest Internet technologies we are constantly working to improve the WebSitePulse monitoring service and to add new features to benefit our loyal Customers. To make service feature recommendation or comment, please send us a feedback.

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October 5th, 2003  New Feature - Voice Alerts for our UK Customers

The Voice Alerts feature, which is very popular among our US and Canadian customers as a notification option, is now available for our customers in the United Kingdom. It has all the conveniences of a regular phone call: a human voice announces the pre-configured message with the error details of the failed website or server, and if the call is not answered, the system will leave a message in the subscriber's voice mail.

September 24th, 2003  New Feature - Favorite Reports

Now our customers can save time by creating Favorite Reports. Any report can be added to the Favories with its own label, description and time stamp and retrieved with one-click. Customers can create unlimited number of Favorite Reports, edit or delete them at any time.

September 15th, 2003  New Feature - WAP Control Panel

In addition to the PDA browser compatible Control Panel, we have created a Control Panel for WAP capable cell phones and wireless devices. It provides the current status of the monitored targets.

August 15th, 2003  Instant Test - the latest addition to the bigest selection of Diagnostic Tools

The Instant Test service allows webmasters to perform website tests and server tests on the spot, without interrupting the monitoring schedule. Instant Tests are available from all monitoring locations selected for the monitored target. The test results provide real-time details that speed up the problem detection and resolution. The Instant Test does not change or interfere with the target-monitoring schedule.

July 19th, 2003  New Monitoring Station - Brisbane, Australia

Today a new monitoring station in Brisbane, Australia became part of the WebSitePulse Global Monitoring Network. The monitoring location will provide the WebSitePulse customers with availability monitoring and end-user perspective measurements from this part of the world.

July 17th, 2003  New Monitoring Station - Trumbull, Connecticut, USA

Today the monitoring station in Trumbull, Connecticut, USA became alive and is the latest addition to the WebSitePulse Global Monitoring Network. It will provide our customers with valuable monitoring data representing their end-user experience with their websites from this part of the the United States.

July 16th, 2003  New Feature - Location correlated notification system

The major customer benefit of this new feature is that detected errors are correlated in real time across multiple monitoring locations and alert notifications are sent only if the specified monitoring locations report the same error. Three configuration levels are available:
- normal - alerts are sent if at least one monitoring location has detected an error
- strong - alerts are sent if at least 50% of the monitoring locations of the specific target have detected an error
- strict - alerts are sent only if 100% of the locations monitoring the specific target have detected an error

July 10th, 2003  New Feature - Updated Alert Dependency Rules

New functionality has been added to the Alert Dependency Rules option. You can now specify for which alert message the dependency rule has to be applied. For more information on the Alert Dependency Rules, please visit How to Configure Alert Dependencies. Alert Dependency Rules help optimize the notification processes and limit the number of alerts that will be sent, without limiting the reliability of the error notification process.

July 7th, 2003  New Feature - Windows Based Transaction Recorder

To support the application monitoring services, we have provided two transaction recorders that simplify the set up process. Now an upgraded version of the Windows transaction recorder is available with improved capabilities, especially handling Java script applications.

June 1st, 2003  New Feature - Application Monitoring and Web Transaction Monitoring

The new web application monitoring service provides real-time status of the availability and performance of multi-step web transactions and the web applications they use, to ensure they are functioning properly and deliver excellent performance from the end-user perspective. By simulating real-user experience, the web application monitoring service provides realistic insight about end-users' experience when performing any type of e-business transaction and interaction with a website. In addition, instant alert notifications are delivered to the designated support team in the event a problem is detected.

April 30th, 2003  New Feature - PayPal Payments Now Accepted

Payments by PayPal are now accepted in addition to payments by credit card (Visa, MasterCard, AmEx, Discover, Diners Club), check payments and wire transfer.

April 21st, 2003  New Feature - Phone Alerts as Notification Option

Phone alerts via voice have been added to the monitoring service. The system will call any phone number in the USA and Canada and a human voice will read the alert message. The alert messages are fully customizable as are the rest of the alert messages. The system cam leave a message if a voice mail answers the call.