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We are always listening to our Customers' needs and recommendations while using our advanced monitoring services. Utilizing the latest Internet technologies we are constantly working to improve the WebSitePulse monitoring service and to add new features to benefit our loyal Customers. To make service feature recommendation or comment, please send us a feedback.

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December 18th, 2008  New Monitoring Location in Sao Paolo, Brazil

Earlier this month we announced the upcoming monitoring location in Sao Paolo, Brazil, which now is available. Based on our customers' feedback we planned and we are currently executing expansion of our monitoring network in South America where this location will be followed by a location in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Other regions we are expanding the monitoring network are South Africa, China, India and Japan.

This new monitoring location provides additional perspective to web based businesses about the online experience of their customers and visitors from South America. With the addition of this city, WebSitePulse brings the total number of testing stations in its global monitoring network to 21, located in every major continent.

December 4th, 2008  Several new monitoring locations coming this month

The first new monitoring location, which is scheduled to be released on the 7th of this month, is in Brazil, the city of Sao Paolo. The set up is on schedule and we do not anticipate any delays.

The next location scheduled to be released in the middle of December will be located in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

For our customers interested in how their web systems and applications perform from South Africa, a Johannesburg location will be available before the end of the month and we also plan a Cape Town station around the same time.

If you have any comments or suggestions, we will be glad to hear from you. You can contact us 24/7.

October 15th, 2008  TXT query type added to DNS monitoring service

With the TXT (text records) query type selected from the "Advanced Configuration" screen, the test will get the TXT records (if any). DNS TXT records are strings containing information about the named service. The answer will be a list of one or more strings (because TXT records can be composed of multiple strings), or nil if there are no TXT records.

This query is very useful when monitoring SPF records, Domain Keys or DNS changes.

September 15th, 2008  "Forced Monitoring" option now extended to more services

Since the "Forced Monitoring" option proved to be very popular feature, providing fast recovery alerts and improved uptime/downtime data for very reduced cost compared to just high interval monitoring, we have extended its availability for two additional services - Email round-trip transactions and Fullpage website monitoring. Various Forced monitoring intervals can be selected from the Basic configuration screen for both services.

May 21st, 2008  NEW - Enable SSL peer verification for email transactions

The new feature of the email round-trip configuration allows users to select whether to verify the servers SSL certificates when an SSL connection is used for SMTP, POP3 or IMAP servers. If this option is enabled the user will receive alerts if the certificate has expired or is not signed by a trusted authority.

The feature is managed from the Advanced configuration screen.

April 18th, 2008  NEW - Manage error confirmation tests

To verify the failures detected by our monitoring network and to reduce the number of false alerts triggered, every single error detected by the WebSitePulse monitoring agents is confirmed with at least one additional monitoring resource. An alert will be dispatched to the notification contacts only if the error is confirmed. While reducing significantly the number of false alerts, this process however reduces the chances to detect geographically confined problems. For example there might be a problem which prevents online visitors in Texas from accessing a website, and which doesn't affect the online users in other states. In this case the Texas monitoring agent will detect the problem but the error will not be confirmed since the secondary locations are in other states.

To manage this process more effectively, now customers can disable the error confirmation options for every target and for every spcific monitoring location selected for this target.

March 4th, 2008  NEW - Soft timeout alerts

Customers can now configure target specific soft-timeout alerts for each notification contact. The contact will be alerted if the target response time is within the specified timeout limits and if the target status is OK. If a failure is detected, only the contacts assigned to receive the specific failure messages will be alerted.

February 4th, 2008  NEW - Improved transaction monitoring with dynamic parameters

Full-page and Performance transaction monitoring now offers improved control over the parameters sent with the Query String. Customers can select from 4 types of parameters.

VALUE - sends the parameter with the user-specified value
RANDOM - with every check a random number will be generated and sent as the parameter value
DATETIME - the parameter, which will be generated, is a formatted datetime value, which can be in adjusted format and show date and time in the future or in the past
DYNAMIC - tries to retrieve the parameter value from the page content of the previous step

The DATETIME and RANDOM parameter values additionally can be padded with user-specified strings, which can be configured in the prefix/suffix fields.

The above-mentioned parameters are managed for every transactional step in the Advanced configuration screen, under "Query string"

January 25th, 2008  NEW - HEAD request method added for HTTP/HTTPS targets

The monitoring agent for all HTTP based targets now supports HEAD requests. The HEAD request method is the same as GET, but the server returns only a response header without the actual page content. This option is selected in the Advanced screen under "Request method".

January 10th, 2008  The Current Status Extension for Firefox Gets a Facelift

An updated version 1.3 of the Current Status Extension has been released with several useful options, some requested by our Customers. The number of downloads and active extensions has trippled for the past few months and this piece of software has proven to be a very useful tool for our Users. The new features and updates are as follows:

*NEW: Help menu
*NEW: Open "more" link in a new browser tab
*NEW: Added "Options" in the right-click menu
*NEW: *Various updated buttons and menus, bug fixes and code optimization

For complete details, screenshots and to download the extension please, visit the Firefox Current Status web page.

January 9th, 2008  New Version of the Transaction Recorder for Firefox Released

Customers who use the Transaction and Web application monitoring service and set it up with the Firefox Transaction Recorder get an updated version 1.1 of the recorder. The updates include:

- "PLAY" option which plays any pre-recorded transaction before saving or uploading it for monitoring
- Support for Full-Page and Performance Transactions
- Option to overwrite an existing transaction during upload
- Various updated and added buttons and menus, bug fixes and code optimization

Originally this recorder was released in October of 2007 and quickly gained popularity for its simplicity and ease of use. Since it works as a browser extension for the Firefox browser, it has wide OS compatibility and supports all Web 2.0 components like AJAX, Java-Script and other.

For complete details and screenshots please visit the Firefox Transaction Recorder page.