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We are always listening to our Customers' needs and recommendations while using our advanced monitoring services. Utilizing the latest Internet technologies we are constantly working to improve the WebSitePulse monitoring service and to add new features to benefit our loyal Customers. To make service feature recommendation or comment, please send us a feedback.

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December 10th, 2007  Introducing Custom Script Transaction Monitoring Services

The Custom Script Transaction monitoring is built on top of our Performance Transaction monitoring service and verifies the availability and performance of complex web transactions, their individual steps and the web applications they use.

The following are the advantages for using the Custom Script Monitoring service:

- supports not only the standard HTTP, HTTPS, FTP protocols, but it can contain transactional steps performing any test currently supported by the WebSitePulse system. An example is after completing a shopping transaction on a Customer's website, the Script can test an SQL database, test an email system, verify a connection to a router and many more possibilities.

- can be used to monitor virtually any type of complex web applications and Rich Internet Applications (RIA) which use AJAX, Web 2.0 components, dynamic JavaScript redirects, dynamic parameters and many more custom applications.

The Custom script is set up completely by the WebSitePulse engineers based on description that Customers provide. The following comparison table provides further details about the diferencies and advantages of the newly introduced Custom Script Transaction Monitoring Service.

 performance/full-page transactioncustom script transaction
Transaction Steps Set Up:CustomerWebSitePulse
Modifications of transaction configuration:CustomerWebSitePulse
Supports AJAX:SomeAll
Supports JavaScript:SomeAll
Protocols supported:HTTP, HTTPS and FTPAll supported by WebSitePulse
Supports dynamically named parameters:NoYes
Supports dynamic parameters set up by javascript:SomeYes
Parameters with random values:NoYes
Supports different requests from each monitoring location:NoYes
Supports dynamic javascript redirects:SomeYes
Suitable for:Most commercial and corporate sitesComplex websites using Rich Internet Applications, AJAX, etc.
Setup time:2-4 hoursUp to 48 hours depending on complexity

October 31st, 2007  Introducing is a brand new directory, which we started building recently, and it will contain our Customers' public reports if they choose so. When creating or editing a public report, Customers can select this option, which will place the particular report in the publicly promoted and accessible directory.

Currently the functionality of the directory is relatively basic, displaying the most recent reports added and providing a simple search option. We will continue to develop the directory and add more options in the near future.

Customers can create public reports for any monitored server or website in their account from a specific section for this purpose called "Public Reports". Public Reports can be displayed on the Internet for website customers and visitors to demonstrate the management commitment to 100% website uptime and availability and for achieving excellence in online customer experience.
Public Reports can also be published on company intranets for internal use, reference and quick access to real-time status of monitored servers, websites and web transactions, including up to date uptime statistics, status changes and other details. This can provide access to the monitoring data for unlimited number of users and will save the time to log in the account and to access the status and statistics of each server or website individually.

For Customers and visitors who are new to this topic, here are few examples of public reports:

If you need more information or to schedule a demo, please contact us 24/7.

October 29th, 2007  The Website Test behind the Great Firewall of China Upgraded

Enforcing the "Great Firewall of China" has not been very consistent by the Chinese government, but recently there has been a lot of activity. In the beginning of October, the China's Great Firewall turned its attention to RSS feeds as reported by Ars Technica and TechCrunch. In the middle of October TechCrunch reported on several occasions that China has unilaterally blocked all three major search engines in China and is redirecting all requests to Baidu.

In response to the increased need and interest from our users and customers, WebSitePulse has upgraded the Website Test behind the Great Firewall of China to provide them with useful information in determining how their websites are seen from visitors and users located in China. The upgrades include the following:

- users can select one Chinese and one non-Chinese locations to run the test from and compare the results, including which IP address was resolved from each testing location

- users can select that results display the HTTP response headers from both testing locations. This helps to determine what page is being served to each request and if any redirects have been done. Combined with the IP address of the tested URL, as resolved from the testing location, the test results will clearly indicate if the same page is being served to the requests from China and outside of China.

- users can run MTR tests (combined traceroute and PING) from each testing location displayed at the results page after performing the website test.

Please go to the China Firewall Test for real time testing and experience.

Current Customers can select any of our monitoring locations for the non-Chinese tests, while the users of publicly available tests can select between three test locations. Customers can also set websites and servers to be monitored from multiple cities in China on a regular basis and keep an eye in real time if they are visible to their Chinese audience.

There will be more upgrades to this and the other free tests that we provide. So please check the Test Tools section often for upgrades to the existing tools and also new tools.

October 26th, 2007  NEW! - Bandwidth Cap Option for the Website Monitoring Services

A new option is now available for customers who use the website monitoring services which allows them to cap the bandwidth used by our monitoring agents while downloading the web page content and components during the automated monitoring process. The option provides for simulating multiple end-user connections and will report response times based on the connection selected. Customers who have information about the Internet connection their visitors use can utilize the option to receive performance reports with data, which is very close to their real users experience.

For Customers willing to use the option, it is available in the Advanced configuration screen for website performance and website full-page monitoring services.

October 24th, 2007  Multiple Date Formats Available

Based on requests from our growing number of International customers we have developed and integrated multiple date formats, which can be selected for every user. These selections will determine how dates are displayed throughout the customer control panel. The areas include but are not limited to real-time status of servers, websites and web transactions, reports, data logs, event logs, etc.

Six formats have been implemented as follows:

mm/dd/yyyy (example 01/21/2007)
dd/mm/yyyy (example 21/01/2007)
yyyy/mm/dd (example 2007/01/21)
mm/dd/yy (example 01/21/07)
dd/mm/yy (example 21/01/07)
yy/mm/dd (example 07/01/21)

For more information about date formats specific to some contries please click here.

For questions and recommendations please contact us 24/7.

October 16th, 2007  Upgraded Public Reports to Display Real-time Status and Uptime Statistics

With the recently upgraded public reports customers now have a great flexibility and it is very easy to create, edit and publish the real-time status and uptime statistics of their monitored servers, websites and transactions. Customers can create Summary reports with more than one target or individual reports for a specific target from their account.

The added features include but are not limited to:

- improved selection of what data to be included in a report.
- extensive selection of pre-configured templates
- the option to remove WebSitePulse logo from a report and replace it with a custom one
- the option to select different logo to be displayed for each report
- the option to enter a friendly name for each report
- a common domain name ( will host all public reports

To find out more and to create such reports Customers can use the "Public Reports" section in the Target details screens, or go directly to Stats Publisher in the Reports section of the Control Panel.

For more information, to set up a free unlimited trial service or to schedule a presentation please contact us.

October 5th, 2007  Transaction Recorder for Firefox Released

Customers who use or plan to use the Transaction and Web application monitoring service now have a new tool to record, configure and upload their e-business transactions for monitoring. The Firefox Transaction Recorder works as a browser extension for the Firefox browser. In order to use it, Customers have to have Firefox running on their PCs and then to download and install the recorder as an add-on. The current version is compatible with most versions of the Firefox browser.

For technical description, screenshots and to download it, please go to Firefox Transaction Recorder Extension.

With the release of this recorder we are adding a third recording tool to the existing set of recorders, which support the web transaction monitoring services. It is the most advanced and handles the most complex applications, compared to the previous releases of such tools. In addition to all common web applications, it also supports AJAX calls, Java-Scripts and all Web 2.0 components.

The Recorder is compatible with any operating system, as long as a Firefox browser is installed and running. It also adds another member to the family of Firefox extensions developed by WebSitePulse. The first and very popular extension is the Current Status Display, which has been downloaded and installed more than 6,000 times since its initial release on August the 15 of 2007.

The next release of the Firefox recorder will include a Player for the recorded transactions and some minor improvements.

October 4th, 2007  API Gets an Upgrade with Two New Methods

Customers who use the API now can utilize the "AccountStatus" method which allows them to retrieve summary statistics for the current status of all targets in the account. The method provides an easy way to get a glimpse of all targets without getting each individual status. For example, the API will respond to such a request with: Total targets 10, OK 1, Failed 5, Suspended 4, etc.

In addition, a "DailyLog" method is now also available which allows customers to retrieve daily monitoring data for a specific target and specific monitoring locations related to this target.

The API is suitable for all levels of service and allows Customers to integrate results from our system into their applications and content.

September 18th, 2007  New Feature - Accept-Language in HTTP header

This new feature allows customers to include an Accept-Language header in an HTTP request sent by our monitoring system. If a value is selected, it indicates the natural language that is preferred as a response to the request. If no Accept-Language header is selected in the request, usually the server assumes that all languages are equally acceptable.

Customers can select between several predefined popular languages, while by default this option is disabled. For more information, please click here.

September 11th, 2007  New Service - SIP Monitoring

Now Customers who operate and maintain systems providing VOIP, Internet telephone calls, multimedia distribution and multimedia conferences can monitor the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP). SIP is a signaling protocol, which provides the necessary protocol mechanisms for Internet telephony and conferencing, presence and events notifications, instant messaging and Internet real-time fax delivery signaling. The SIP monitoring will connect to your server and register a session using the credentials provided in the target configuration. If new session is not necessary on every test an OPTIONS request can be used. In this case the response headers received from the server will be checked for validity.

September 11th, 2007  New Services - RTSP Monitoring

Now Customers who operate and maintain streaming media systems can monitor the Real Time Streaming Protocol (RTSP) which allows a client to remotely control a streaming media server, issuing VCR-like commands such as "play" and "pause", and allowing time-based access to files on a server. RTSP monitoring is available with two types of service - Basic and Advanced. The basic will send a simple OPTIONS request and will check if the server responds within the configured time limit and if the response contains a valid RTSP response header. The Advanced will send a DESCRIBE request for a specific media stream and will check if the server responds within the configured time limit and if the response contains a valid RTSP response header. Customers can also configure the agent to test for specific keywords within the stream description.

September 5th, 2007  An Updated Version of the Current Status Extension is Released

The next version 1.2 of the Current Status Extension has been released with some useful options as follows:

*NEW: Sort Targets by Label or by Status
*NEW: Filter Targets by target status
*NEW: Open sidebar when Firefox starts
*Miscellaneous: Some bugs are fixed and connectivity is improved with automatics problem fixing and logging

This extension is gaining popularity faster than we expected and for the past two weeks we've registered more than 3,000 downloads. If you would like to send us your feedback, to recommend additional features for this extension or to suggest other extensions, please let us know.

For complete details, screenshots and to download the extension please, visit the Firefox website or the WebSitePulse website.

August 30th, 2007  New Feature Allows for Custom Delay Between Steps in Transaction Monitoring

Customers using the Transaction and Web application Monitoring Services can select for each transactional step a custom time value which the monitoring agent will use to wait before executing the next step. The default value is set to 0 seconds and available values are from 0 to 15 seconds. This value could be different for every step in one single transaction.

August 29th, 2007  New Feature Compares Website Content and Alerts on Changes

Customers using the Website Monitoring and the Transaction and Web application Monitoring Services can set up and use a new feature which will compare the current content of the web page or transaction step to previously cached contents of the same web page. Customers can select either a first cache or a last cache of the webpage contents. Alerts will be sent if a difference higher than the preset % is detected. The new features provides our Customers with another flexible tool to precisely monitor authorized or unauthorized changes of the contents of their websites and adjust the sensitivity level of the monitoring.

August 29th, 2007  Introducing 'Dashboard'-Style Target Details Screen

Following the positive feedback we received after the release of the newly designed Dashboard, we have applied the same technology and features to other screens in the control panel and we are introducing now the updated Target Details page. Every User can personalize the look of this screen, rearrange or hide modules, expand or collapse module contents, and permanently save the changes to his User Profile.

August 24th, 2007  Measuring and Reporting HTTP Redirect Time

With the most recent monitoring engine update WebSitePulse now measures and records the time it takes to follow any HTTP redirects until the final web page is opened. This option gives our Customers a broader perspective of the way their web pages are being loaded and of the possible performance bottlenecks.

The new feature is available for all HTTP and HTTPS monitoring for servers and websites, and the data is available in most reports and charts under "Redirect" label.

August 15th, 2007  Current Status for the Firefox Web Browser

Following the success and popularity of our recently released Current Status as a Google Gadget we are introducing a Current Status extension for the Firefox web browser. It provides an easy way to keep an eye in real-time on the status of servers, websites and web applications our Customers are monitoring. The extension comes with two components: the Sidebar, which displays all targets with their real time current status, and the Status bar, which indicates if all targets are OK or if there is an issue with any of them.

For more details, screenshots and to download the extension please, visit the Firefox website or the WebSitePulse website.

July 24th, 2007  More Test Tools as Google Gadgets

We have integrated more of our popular Instant Test Tools as Google Gadgets. Customers and visitors who use Google personalized home pages can add any or all of the available WebSitePulse Test Tool Gadgets to their pages and perform instant tests to servers and websites.

The following gadgets were added:
- HTTP Headers Test
- China Firewall Test
- MX Lookup Test
- NS Records Lookup Test
- SPF Lookup Test
- Reverse DNS Test
- Email Validation Test
- IP/Network Lookup Test
- MTR - Traceroute & Ping Test

You can also add any or all WebSitePulse Test Tool Gadgets to any Web page.

Please visit the Test Tool Gadgets page for more details and to add them to your page.

July 23rd, 2007  Introducing the All New Dashboard!

The All New Dashboard was created based on our Customers' requests. It contains variety of modules and every User can personalize the look of his Dashboard, rearrange or hide modules, expand or collapse module contents, and permanently save the changes to his User Profile.

June 26th, 2007  Two new monitoring locations in Beijing and Shanghai, China

We have activated two monitoring locations in Beijing and Shanghai, both located in mainland China. These newest additions bring the total number of active locations part of our Global monitoring network to 19. Customers depending on web-based business opportunities, transactions, and communications with China will be provided with more precise, reliable, and useful data from the region.

June 2nd, 2007  New Feature - Automatic Suspend and Resume Monitoring with API

WebSitePulse Customers can now automatically suspend and/or activate the monitoring of their targets using the WebSitePulse HTTP API or WSDL API. This added feature allows for improved management of the monitoring of their targets using simple HTTP and SOAP requests from their inhouse applications.

May 31st, 2007  Friendly URLs for Public Reports

Customers can now enter common friendly URLs for their public reports displaying website and server uptime and performance statistics.
One example is:,
where this is the custom URL for:
The report URL can be modified from the edit screen in the public reports section of the customer control panel.

May 12th, 2007  Additional Test Tools Released

A number of additional test tools have been added based on our Customers requests. Some of the most popular are:
- MTR - traceroute & ping
- Port Scan
- Email Validation test
- MX lookup
Please check all free test tools for a complete list and for more information.

May 7th, 2007  WebSitePulse Monitoring Locations Uptime Stats Added

We have added uptime statistics for all our monitoring locations that display real time data. From the Monitoring Locations page, each "details" link will open a Public Stats for the specific location

April 27th, 2007  Current Status as a Google Gadget

A Google gadget has been released which can be integrated in your Google page displaying the Current Status of your monitored websites and servers. Click here to see a screenshot and to add it ot your Google page.

April 10th, 2007  Test Tools as Google Gadgets

We have developed and integrated our popular Instant Test Tools as Google Gadgets. Customers and visitors who use Google personalized home pages can add any or all of the available WebSitePulse Test Tool Gadgets to their pages and perform instant tests from there.

Some of the most popular WebSitePulse Test Tool Gadgets include Website Test, Web Page Test and Server Test.

You can also add any or all WebSitePulse Test Tool Gadgets to any Web page.

Please visit the Test Tool Gadgets page for more details and to add them to your page.

April 7th, 2007  Website Test Behind the Great Firewall of China Released

A Website Test from three Chinese cities has been added to the popular set of Instant Test Tools.

Users can select Beijing, Shanghai or Hong Kong to have the tests performed and see if their website is accessible from China at all, and if it is, determine its performance from Chinese online visitors' perspective.

Test your website behind the China firewall.

March 29th, 2007  Email Round-Trip Monitoring Service Upgraded

Customers can now configure the Email Monitoring Agent to detect automatically the MX records for the specified test email address. The monitoring agent will try to send a test message through each mail server listed by the MX preference starting from the top until successful.
If no mail exchange records are found or no mail server accepted the test message, an alert will be triggered according the alert notification settings.

February 26th, 2007  Full-Page Monitoring Service Upgraded

Several major upgrades have been released for the Full-Page Monitoring Service. Some of the most notable improvements are:
  • connection optimization - customers can instruct the monitoring agent to use persistent connections which optimizes the response time significantly, avoiding the connection overhead for each request.
  • recursive page check - the monitoring agent is now capable of following the links not only from the monitored page, but several levels deeper. The current maximum level is 5. All downloaded HTML files up to the selected depth level, will be parsed and all references will be added to testing queue.
  • CSS url() syntax - the monitoring agent now supports the CSS url() syntax and will test any URLs found in external CSS files.
  • cache optimization - the agent now sends "If-modified" request header when the "Check availability" test level is selected. This way it simulates better the browser behavior when opening a page with cached images.

February 20th, 2007  New Feature - Target Notes

We have added a Target Notes option that allows customers to add notes related to a specific target. The last five notes can be found in the Target Status screen. A Target Notes section has been added to the details of every target, where all notes can be viewed, edited, and new notes can be added. While performing specific actions, like suspend or activate a target, customers have the option to add a note related to this action that will help as a future reference.

February 14th, 2007  New Feature - Suspend Alerts for a Specific Traget

Until now customers were able to suspend monitoring of a specific website or server and to suspend the alerts to a specific contact.
Now, customers can suspend alerts for a specific target, while monitoring continues and the notification contacts are active. This advanced option allows webmasters to suspend alerts once they become aware of an issue, and while working on restoring the failed service, keep the monitoring service active and collect valuable data and statistics. We are working on extending these capabilities even further, which will be implemented and announced soon.

February 8th, 2007  Transaction Monitoring Service Upgraded

We have made several upgrades to our Transaction Monitoring Service that will provide significantly better support for dynamic web applications and will further improve the simulation of a real-user interaction with your web site.

February 6th, 2007  New Feature - Notification Limits

The "Notification Limits" option allows users to restrict the number of alerts to a specific contact for a given amount of time. Users can set different limits on a daily, weekly or monthly basis for each individual alert contact.
This option gives customers additional control over the notification charges, but it might also cause certain alerts to be discarded. Customers should find the proper balance of settings and should not set the limits too low. Proper selection will ensure that alert contacts will always be notified on time in case of a problem with the monitored servers, websites and web systems.

January 29th, 2007  New Feature - 1-Click Option to Temporarily Suspend Any Report by Email

Now customers can temporarily suspend any Report by Email with just one click. While suspended, the report will no longer be emailed to the specified email addresses, and its configuration will be saved for future use. At any time, the sending of the report can be resumed with one click and it will be emailed as scheduled to the specified email recipients. The option is available in the Control Panel -> Reports by Email

January 26th, 2007  New Feature - Link to Test Details Page in Alerts

Error notification emails now can contain a link to the "Test Details" page that will allow customers to view the complete test information with links to the "cache," details about the secondary checks performed and a log with the alerts sent for this event. The link is optional and can be added as a tag from the Alerts Contents section.

January 24th, 2007  New Feature - Response Headers and Session Transcripts Saved on Error

A new feature is now available for all our customers using the Advanced Server Monitoring services. For each monitored server, the received response headers or a session transcript can be saved upon error detection and accessed by the customer in the reports section for future reference. The new monitoring feature increases the value of the Advanced Server Monitoring Service because it provides a reliable reference when trobleshooting server problems.

January 11th, 2007  New Addition in Uptime Stats Publisher

We have added the option to display the Today's Uptime statistics for any monitored target in its Public Report. The option can be selected in the Public Report configuration screen and if checked, the report will display the uptime from midnight in the target time zone up to the moment the report was opened.