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We are always listening to our Customers' needs and recommendations while using our advanced monitoring services. Utilizing the latest Internet technologies we are constantly working to improve the WebSitePulse monitoring service and to add new features to benefit our loyal Customers. To make service feature recommendation or comment, please send us a feedback.

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September 15th, 2009  Notification of IP Change

On Tuesday, September 15, 2009 at 10:00am EST we will be migrating the our monitoring server in Amsterdam, Netherlands. There will be no service interruptions but the important thing is that the IP of this locations will be changed from to

In case you need to add the new IPs to your firewall or log-analyzing software, please do so before the announced day and time.
If you have any questions, please contact our support team 24/7.

January 28th, 2009  Our Monitoring Network expands in South Africa

We are expanding our monitoring network in South Africa by adding the city of Johannesburg to the recently activated Cape Town monitoring location. The new monitoring location meets customers demand for availability and performance measurements from this part of the World of their websites and web applications. This is the 27th checkpoint in our global monitoring network, which will continue to expand rapidly through 2009.

Verizon provides the Internet connectivity and the IP address is

January 23rd, 2009  Two new monitoring locations released in Vancouver and Montreal, Canada

We have activated two new monitoring locations in Vancouver and Montreal, both located in Canada, in addition to the already existing point in Toronto. These newest additions bring the total number of active locations in our network to 26, and total Canadian locations to 3. Customers depending on web-based business opportunities, online transactions and communications with Canada will be provided with more precise, reliable, and useful data from this part of North America.

Shaw Communications and Peer1 provide Internet connectivity in Vancouver and the IP address is Teleglobe and Torix provide connectivity in Montreal, and the IP address is

January 21st, 2009  New Monitoring Location in Cape Town, South Africa

We are expanding our monitoring network in South Africa with the addition of the city of Cape Town. This is our first point of presence in Africa and the expansion will continue by adding a monitoring location in Johannesburg, South Africa shortly. Customers managing online business ventures, web transactions and Internet communications with South Africa will be provided with more precise, reliable, and useful data from the region.

This is the 24th monitoring location, part of our Global Network. Internet connectivity is provided by Verizon and the IP address is

January 19th, 2009  More performance visibility from the USA

The US monitoring network has been expanded by adding a New York City location situated in Manhattan. A lot of customers providing hosting and connectivity services for the banking and brokerage industries have expressed interest in having a point of visibility in this region. Redundant connectivity is provided by TeliaSonera, Global Crossings, Level3 Communications, Teleglobe/TATA. This monitoring location brings the total number of our testing points to 23. The next planned location in the area will be in Boston, Massachusetts.

January 16th, 2009  A new Monitoring Location in Buenos Aires, Argentina is now available

A new monitoring location in Buenos Aires, Argentina has been deployed. This is the second one we release in South America and brings the total number of our monitoring locations to 22. The two South American locations will provide Customers depending on web-based business opportunities web transactions and communications with the region additional system availability and performance data. Internet connectivity is provided by Global Crossing.