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A Guide to Practicing Good Email Hygiene to Prevent Spam Traps
Posted on September 20th, 2024 by Simon Rodgers in GuidesMore than 300 billion emails are sent every day, a staggering number. If you focus more on business-related emails, the average office worker sends 40 emails per day, and the average person receives 121 business-related emails every day. With so many emails being sent and received, is it any surprise that a lot end up in the spam folder?
How Webpage Monitoring Enhances Technical SEO
Posted on September 4th, 2024 by Simon Rodgers in Monitoring, ExplainerSearch engine optimization (SEO) is the art of bringing your site higher in search engine result pages (SERPs) to increase its discoverability and competitive advantage. It involves detecting keywords that your target audience uses, publishing well-optimized content that's easy to crawl and rank for search engines and valuable to users, posting expert content on trusted sources to build credibility, and so on.
Top 10 SaaS Security Best Practices You Must Follow
Posted on August 23rd, 2024 by Nico Prins in Guides, SecurityAre you running your business on SaaS applications? Then, you'll know that the convenience and flexibility that come with it are unbeatable. However, there's an area you need to pay special attention to so you can ensure your business success. Running a business reliant on cloud-based solutions means SaaS security is more important than ever.
How to Avoid Website Downtime
Posted on August 9th, 2024 by Simon Rodgers in MonitoringWebsite downtime refers to periods when a website is inaccessible or non-functional due to various issues. This can range from a few seconds to several hours or even days, depending on the severity of the problem and the efficiency of the recovery measures. During downtime, users cannot access the website's services or content, which can result in a loss of business and user trust.
Website Availability Monitoring
Posted on July 24th, 2024 by Simon Rodgers in Monitoring, Guides, ExplainerWebsite availability refers to a website's ability to be accessible and functional for users at all times. It is typically measured by uptime percentage, which indicates the proportion of time a website is operational over a given period. High website availability ensures that users can consistently access the content, services, or products a website offers without interruptions.