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The Top 4 Proven Tactics for Website User Engagement That Really Work

Posted on January 23rd, 2019 by Sergey Lypchenko in

Website User Engagement Tactics

It is not a secret that the more engaged your website visitors are, the more chances they will buy from you a product or service. The Gallup analytics firm states that fully engaged customers bring 23% more revenue compared to the ordinary ones. That is the reason why many entrepreneurs start thinking hard over how to improve this rate and gain more profit.


How is Progressive Web App different from Regular Web App?

Posted on January 3rd, 2019 by Vijeta Khurana in Guides

Progressive Web Apps and Native Apps

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) vs. Native Apps is a hot topic of debate in the market. Everyone is sharing their thoughts on what is similar in both the app types, which makes them apart and will rule the market in the future. I’m sure you will also have your points noted in a notebook to speak on this topic.


8 Features your e-commerce website must have to make it big

Posted on December 12th, 2018 by Alycia Gordan in Guides

Features e-commerce website must have

If you are running an online business, your sales will greatly depend on the quality and availability of your e-commerce website. While the quality of the product is equally important, it is your website that tempts potential consumers to buy your product. In an age when most customers search and purchase products or services online before visiting a store, the quality of your e-commerce website becomes more important in shaping public perception of your product.


5 Reasons you must monitor your e-commerce website

Posted on November 29th, 2018 by Sohail Rupani in

Why monitor e-commerce site


In the present world, blogs and websites are becoming essential for your digital business. Performance of your e-commerce website and application can make or break your growth efforts. Website monitoring alerts you in real time regarding every kind of discrepancies before your customers notice it.


Unfolding 11 Solid Benefits of Building Website on WordPress Platform

Posted on November 14th, 2018 by Manan Ghadawala in Lists

benefits of building website on wordpress

So you are planning to start a new website to promote your business? But have you prepared yourself to invest in building a site from scratch? It is essential to know that be it the e-commerce business or service-based site, creating a website from scratch requires good time and money investment. But when you have WordPress, a popular CMS (Content Management System) platform, why spend extra money building a site from scratch.