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How To Determine The Optimal Website Hosting Bandwidth

Posted on December 22nd, 2020 by Richard Conn in Tech, Guides

Website Hosting Bandwidth

Running a business in 2020 requires that you have a digital presence. Building a website is one of the first tasks of a new business's checklist. With that comes registering and buying a domain, website design, web development, and paying for hosting.


How to Ensure Your Website is Secure and Trustworthy

Posted on December 9th, 2020 by Beau Peters in Security

secure and trustworthy website

How is your website showing your customers that you care? You are selling a great product and making some good money, but what are you doing in return to assure your customers that all their payment and private data is protected? If you haven't thought about that before, now is the time because a significant data breach could mean the end of your company.


The Ultimate Guide to Web Hosting for SEO

Posted on November 17th, 2020 by Matt Diggity in Guides

Web Hosting for SEO

If you're looking to start a website, the first thing you'll need to do is choose a web hosting service. However, all web hosts are not created equal, and the abundance of choice often paralyzes newcomers to the online space. How do you know which hosting service to choose?


Internet in Numbers 2020

Posted on October 16th, 2020 by WebSitePulse in Industry News, Statistics

Global Internet Statistics in 2020

New statistics are available at Internet in Numbers 2021


The Future of 5G and Website Monitoring

Posted on October 14th, 2020 by Beau Peters in Monitoring, Tech

5g antenna tower

5G. You've likely heard a lot about it passing, but what kind of impact will the fifth generation of mobile technology have on your ability to provide a sturdy, fast website? What does this new tech mean for you?