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Target Groups and User Management, Part 2

Posted on December 5th, 2013 by Robert Close in Tech

In Target Groups and User Management, Part 1 we talked about target groups, setting up general groups, and user management settings. Now, we continue with adding new users to your account, securing the account, customizing permissions and a few more extras. 

If you click on the Add New User button,


Target Groups and User Management, Part 1

Posted on December 4th, 2013 by Robert Close in Tech

Is your account* with us getting too big for you to handle by yourself? Are there more than one users who only need access to specific targets of the account? Do you want to allow only certain people to view the reports and not be able to change the setting of your targets? In the cases above, the user management setting section and the target groups are the options you are looking for.

A lot of our clients demanded to have the ability to allow access of other people to their accounts but with the option to show only selected targets. Thus so our developers played around with the idea and came up with an ingenious solution – Target groups.


The Brand New Chrome Transaction Recorder Is out, Part 2

Posted on November 26th, 2013 by Robert Close in Tech

We have already created a sample transaction and now we will review the reports and settings option for every step of the transaction.

If you click on the Chart icon (play statistics),


The Brand New Chrome Transaction Recorder Is out, Part 1

Posted on November 25th, 2013 by Robert Close in Tech

We have finally launched our stable version of the Chrome transaction recorder. If you need to record a transaction and you do not know how to create one, this tool will make your life much easier.

You can directly go to and search for WebSitePulse. Or, you can go to the Chrome manu -> Tools -> Extensions, and search for our add-ons.


Security and Vulnerability Monitoring

Posted on November 14th, 2013 by Robert Close

Security monitoringHave you ever wondered whether you have configured your servers and firewalls properly and according to the latest security standards? Are you aware of the new exploits that can harm your system and the available updates that will secure your applications and servers?

Vulnerability monitoring can give you a peace of mind regardless of how secure your servers and firewalls are.