5 Reasons to Leverage Ping Monitoring Software to Manage Your Device Network

Posted on August 27th, 2020 by John Allen in Monitoring, Tools

Ping Monitoring Service

Managing a device network comes with various challenges covering everything from security to speed. Some of these challenges can be made easier through the use of ping monitoring services or software.


Why Every Company Needs Email Round-Trip Monitoring

Posted on June 17th, 2020 by Andrew Wilson in Monitoring, Tech

email round-trip

The world of email security is experiencing a boost with the emergence of new technologies. Now, you can monitor and evaluate the whole trip your email makes from your outbox to the recipient’s inbox. Not particularly sure how? No worries! We are here to cover everything you need to know about email round-trip monitoring. Also, we will explain why every company (despite the industry they are operating in) should implement email round-trip monitoring.


Website Performance Indicators You Should Monitor

Posted on August 21st, 2019 by Jason Chow in Monitoring, Tech

Performance Test

Website performance is how quickly the site can be displayed on the user’s Internet browser once a request is made. Keeping an eye on certain indicating factors can let you know if your website is doing well. It can also help during the development process when you are trying to optimize your website.


What happens when your SSL / TLS certificate expires

Posted on September 13th, 2018 by Damien Jordan in Monitoring

SSL / TLS certificate expired

We live a busy life and as a result, we all forget to get some tasks done on time. The fact is that some things should not be delayed and a good example of this renewing your SSL / TLS certificates. What an SSL certificate does is to allow a person, a computer or an organization to exchange information in a secure way. This information is usually a sensitive one – login credentials, bank details, credit card information, etc. SSL certificates, unlike other services that are automatically renewed until canceled, have a set expiration date. The consequences of having your certificate expire could severely harm your business and image.


Why do you need a SSL Certificate

Posted on April 4th, 2018 by Damien Jordan in Monitoring, Industry News, Guides

SSL Certificate

What is an SSL Certificate?

First of all, what is SSL? It is short for Secure Sockets Layer. In simple words and without getting into too many technical details, adding an SSL certificate makes the connection more secure and much safer when you browse, buy, and communicate online.