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The Future of 5G and Website Monitoring

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Last updated October 14th, 2020 by Beau Peters in Monitoring, Tech

5g antenna tower

5G. You've likely heard a lot about it passing, but what kind of impact will the fifth generation of mobile technology have on your ability to provide a sturdy, fast website? What does this new tech mean for you?

As businesses look for ways to integrate this new technology cost-effectively, a primary concern is website monitoring. Without an efficient website that holds up to 5G demands, you could potentially lose business and customer trust. This could have irrevocable consequences for your business model.

The future of 5G and website monitoring require a hand-in-hand approach in which your website functions alongside the heightened bandwidth potential of the 5G network. The capabilities of 5G will impact the nature of website monitoring.

Here's what this means for you.

The Capabilities of 5G

So what exactly is 5G?

The fifth generation of wireless technology is no longer the future — it's here now. Soon, more and more devices will operate on 5G networks capable of features like:

  • Bandwidth between 50 Mbps and 10 Gbps
  • Latency as low as 1 millisecond
  • Denser areas of connected phone lines

For businesses, 5G means enhanced use of connected networks powering devices that operate on the Internet of Things (IoT). Such connectivity will power the future of advancements in automation and telematics for a post-pandemic world desperately in need of such features.

With a greater number of employees working from home, connectivity for business is more vital than ever. Similarly, the bandwidth and performance features enable automation of tedious systems so that human workers can focus on more important tasks like health and safety.

But how will this impact your website monitoring needs?

Impacts on Website Monitoring

Monitoring your website is an absolute must if you plan to reduce operating costs and maintain a standard of quality that will boost your revenues. You should monitor your website for the insights it gives you into losses alone. Without monitoring, you could never realize how much revenue you are losing on active and passive instances of fraud, broken links, and failed advertising.

In light of 5G, monitoring your website performance is even more essential. With a world of remote workers and businesses out there looking for a successful product that can carry them through the pandemic and beyond, your content has to meet expectations.

5G means greater bandwidth and faster uploading and downloading speeds. Your site and platform should be prepared to handle these and the expectations from consumers and businesses that come with them.

5G means a new approach to website monitoring, one focused on speed and agility. With 5G tools, you are better prepared to provide these improvements, but it takes focus and experimentation.

Luckily, 5G also enables faster experimentation, in turn allowing you to innovate more quickly. Agility in business is the confidence you need to make necessary improvements and change the paradigm. With greater bandwidth and accessibility, your business can try new models and innovations all the time, test it on the network, then integrate your best processes.

This ability to test is what drives business growth. However, you cannot gather the right data to understand your tests without the right website monitoring tools. This means with 5G networks comes an enhanced need for using website monitoring tools to discover where your business needs help. By monitoring your website traffic and metrics, you can better understand how your system holds up to 5G and plan for the future.

How to Prepare for 5G Monitoring

The fifth generation of wireless technology is already here. To prepare your website for 5G integration, you need to build in a system for monitoring and reassessing your metrics. Your approach to 5G monitoring should account for the digital transformation trends of the modern age. These include:

  • Consolidation of tech use for businesses
  • Prevalence of digital technology
  • Technology equating to a key competitive advantage
  • Consistency of reevaluation and innovation

Success for the future of 5G and web monitoring requires an active finger on the pulse of your system competency. If you aren't providing a 5G experience, your clients will seek out someone who can.

Luckily, the new generation of wireless accessibility allows for better monitoring of these essential indicators:

  • Mobile load speed
  • Server uptime
  • HTTP requests
  • Time to first byte
  • First interactive
  • Third-party content

With the emergence of 5G, each of these categories will need to meet more efficient thresholds. As users expect the faster speeds of the new generation, your ability to provide them is paramount to success. For example, one study found that a 100-millisecond delay in load time hurt conversion rates by 7% with 4G technology. Imagine the effects of webpage delays and loading inconsistencies with 5G expectations.

The future is here in the availability of 5G connectivity. What this means for website monitoring is a renewed focus and a doubling down on speed and accessibility strategies. Study all your metrics to find ways in which your business can improve for the new normal.

Final Thoughts

2020 marked a watershed year in terms of technological progress due to historical events. The coronavirus pandemic has shifted the way we work and play, highlighting the need for technology like 5G. No doubt, this shift has spurred the integration of 5G integration across business tech and processes, speeding our progress towards a more connected world.

With increased bandwidth, better loading speeds, and denser networks of wireless users, the post-COVID world can better accommodate remote work. 5G is arriving at the perfect time, but succeeding in this increasingly digital landscape means proper website functionality maintenance.

For any business operating a website, the need for consistent monitoring is essential. Without it, performance issues that mean fiscal losses could cut into revenues. The new generation of wireless connectivity requires faster, better user experiences. 5G both enables these experiences and demands them of your business.

Adjusting to the new tech means monitoring your stats now. Only by being aware of your faults and successes can you build a site that survives the future of wireless connectivity.

Beau Peters

Beau Peters is a creative professional with a lifetime of experience in service and care. As a manager, he's learned a slew of trade tricks that he enjoys sharing with others who have the same passion and dedication that he brings to his work. When he is not writing, he enjoys reading and trying new things.

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