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Orlando, FL - (December 15, 2006) - WebSitePulse - an Orlando, FL based provider of global, independent, and remote monitoring of web-based systems, applications, and e-business transactions reports that Best Buy website was unavailable from 11:30 pm EST last night up until 8:30 am EST this morning.

One of the leading retailers for electronics experienced availability problems with its website. According to WebSitePulse experts, the downtime could have been the result of scheduled updates, even though it is not very likely for an update to last such a long time.

Late evening and early morning online visitors of one of the leading web destinations during the Holiday shopping period found a non-functioning website with a message asking them to come back later.

"Our monitoring agent in Los Angeles, CA first detected the malfunction at 11:19 pm EST, and triggered the alarm," said Iavor Marinoff - CEO of WebSitePulse. "BestBuy.com functionality was immediately tested from multiple locations in our network, as well as by an authorized technician, as part of our false alarm prevention procedure. The service was restored by 08:30 am EST today but WebSitePulse continues to carefully measure BestBuy.com web performance" - concluded Marinoff.

BestBuy.com is included in the 2006 Holiday Season Web Performance and Uptime Report generated daily by WebSitePulse between November 24st and December 31th 2006.

About WebSitePulse ™:

WebSitePulse is a leading provider of advanced, independent, and remote monitoring of web-based systems and e-business transactions that increase the efficiency of mission-critical e-business operations, and reduce the risks of failed Internet transactions and loss of revenue.

The global, independent service offers immediate error detection, and real-time, multimedia alerts, as well as available detailed, customer-controlled, purpose-specific reports with drill-down capabilities and snapshot options.

WebSitePulse is a service of Image Project, Inc. - a privately owned corporation for e-business solutions based in Orlando, Florida, USA.

For more information, please visit www.WebSitePulse.com or e-mail Oggie Dimoff at