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Orlando, FL - (February 14, 2006) - WebSitePulse, a leading provider of global, independent and remote monitoring of web-based systems, e-mail roundtrip- and e-business transactions announced today that hourly website performance data, as well as RSS feed capabilities were added to its latest Valentine's Day Retail Performance and Uptime Report.

WebSitePulse is expanding the scope and the depth of its Uptime and Response Time Reports to provide its Customers, the Internet community, the industry analysts, and the press with more reliable, useful, and easy-to-access performance measurement data:

"Monitoring well-known websites and reporting their failures became a popular free publicity technique" - says Iavor Marinoff - CEO of WebSitePulse. "Our Reports are designed to demonstrate to the public-at-large the degree of reliability of the existing Internet infrastructure and its response to higher volume web traffic. However, the major objective is to correlate the consumers' online shopping experience with the websites' availability and performance, and to provide the IT professionals with tools for proactive performance management" - concludes Marinoff.

WebSitePulse first opened up its system to free monitoring of the websites raising funds after the hurricanes in 2004 and 2005, as well as after the tsunami last summer. The Performance Tracking Reports continue the tradition for WebSitePulse to offer its resources to the benefit of the IT professionals, and to contribute to the improvement of the Internet environment for the benefit of its millions of users.

About WebSitePulse ™:

WebSitePulse is a leading provider of advanced, independent, and remote monitoring of web-based systems and e-business transactions that increase the efficiency of mission-critical e-business operations, and reduce the risks of failed Internet transactions and loss of revenue.

The global, independent service offers immediate error detection, and real-time, multimedia alerts, as well as available detailed, customer-controlled, purpose-specific reports with drill-down capabilities and snapshot options.

WebSitePulse is a service of Image Project, Inc. - a privately owned corporation for e-business solutions based in Orlando, Florida, USA.

For more information, please visit or e-mail Oggie Dimoff at