HTTP status codes

100 - Continue - the client should continue with its request by sending the remainder of the request.
101 - Switching Protocols - the server will switch protocols
200 - OK - the request is successful.
201 - Created - the server created a new resource
300 - Multiple Choices - the user has to select a preference
301 - Moved Permanently - the requested resource has a new permanent URL.
302 - Found (Moved Temporarily) - the resource is temporarily moved to a different URL
304 - Not Modified - contents of the requested web page have not been modified
305 - Use Proxy - repeat the request via proxy
306 - Switch Proxy - unused
307 - Temporary Redirect - requested URL is temporarily under a different URL
308 - Permanent Redirect - is requested URL is permanently under a different URL
400 - Bad Request - the request is not understood by the server
401 - Unauthorized - user authentication is required by the server
402 - Payment Required - code is reserved for future use
403 - Forbidden - the server refuses to respond to the request
404 - File Not Found - the server does not find the requested file
405 - Method Not Allowed - the method specified in the request is not allowed
406 - Not Acceptable - the response that can be returned to is not acceptable
407 - Proxy Authentication Required - client has to log in with a proxy server first
408 - Request Timeout - the request was not produced within the time the server is configured to wait
409 - Conflict - there is a conflict with the current state of the server
410 - Gone - the resource is no longer available at the server
411 - Length Required - content-length has to be defined
412 - Precondition Failed - a precondition is evaluated as false
413 - Request Entity Too Large - the entity is larger than the server can process
414 - Request-URL Too Long - the Request-URL is longer than the server can interpret
415 - Unsupported Media Type - the format is not supported
416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable - request range is not satisfied
417 - Expectation Failed - the expectation in an Expect request-header can not be fulfilled by the server
500 - Internal Server Error - the server cannot fulfill the request
501 - Not Implemented - server does not support the functionality required to process the request
502 - Bad Gateway - server received an invalid response from the upstream server
503 - Service Unavailable - temporary overloading or maintenance of the server
504 - Gateway Timeout - no timely response from the upstream server
505 - HTTP Version Not Supported - the HTTP protocol version is not supported by the server

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