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Instagram is down

Posted on April 24th, 2017 by Damien Jordan in Monitoring, Performance Reports

Instagram is down

If you were not able to log in your Instagram account recently or you were not able to view or like any of the photos of the people you follow - you are not alone. Instagram experienced major server issues, which started at around 1:30PM ET. We detected the problem in the first minutes of the occurrence. The site was intermittently returning 503 - Internal Server Error, 5xx errors or it was timing out after 30 seconds.


Handling Downtime and Outages

Posted on May 30th, 2016 by Damien Jordan in Monitoring

Is your site down? We all have experienced outages and downtime and we all know that this has quite a negative impact on our business and reputation. Unfortunately, downtimes and outages cannot be completely avoided, but can be quickly detected, thus minimizing the negative effects. All we need is a very good tool, which will help us identify even the shortest server overloads or network glitches.

First of all you have to be prepared to handle the situation. Knowing the configuration specifics of your website / server / third party hosting panel is crucial if the problem is on your side and can be fixed by you. There are times when you will not have control over the situation as the issue is with a major upstream provider, but being notified immediately about it gives you the chance to contact the provider and let them know that there is a problem. Using our services gives you another option – our Takeover feature. It allows you to leave detailed instructions that our support team will follow in case of a detected failure. You might want us to contact your hosting provider and report the problem, give us credentials to SSH to your server and manually reboot it (if possible), etc.


Introducing Webpage In-Browser Monitoring

Posted on February 1st, 2016 by Boyana Peeva in WebSitePulse News

We are delighted to announce the launching of our newest service - webpage in-browser monitoring.

Check out the features and see if it's right for you:


Monitoring Outlook Web App (Case Study)

Posted on October 13th, 2015 by Simon Rodgers in Monitoring

Outlook Web App

What is Outlook Web App (OWA)?

Microsoft Outlook Web App (OWA), first released as "Exchange Web Connect" and then renamed to "Outlook Web Access", is a webmail interface for Microsoft Exchange Server.


I Didn’t Get My WebSitePulse Alert! Why?

Posted on October 5th, 2015 by Dean Cole in Monitoring

No alertsOne of the main reasons you may start looking for monitoring tools is the need to get notified when your website is down or not performing properly.

Of course, you need to be aware of the problem before your customers do so you could take actions to avoid customer and revenue loss. After all, if your website has been down for a while without your knowledge, you are likely to experience serious business downfalls. To avoid critical situations like that, you should simply ensure you have set the alerting of your monitoring targets properly.