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SaaS vs. SaaP: Choosing the Right Software Model

Posted on July 19th, 2018 by Damien Jordan in Tech, Explainer

A picture of a cloud representing SaaS and a house, representing SaaP

The main difference between SaaS and SaaP is in their delivery and ownership models. SaaS is a cloud-based service where users access software on a subscription basis without owning it, while SAAP involves purchasing software outright, often with a one-time fee, and installing it locally on their devices.


Cloud Computing and Its Impact on Your SEO

Posted on July 10th, 2018 by James Cummings in Guides

Cloud computing

The impact of the internet on the business world cannot be understated, with words like 'revolutionized' and 'elevated' regularly employed to describe the current climate. The last three decades have seen businesses gradually adapting to the internet and performing more and more of their operations online. The advancement of internet-based technology has had businesses racing to keep up to maintain their place amongst the competition. However, not every business has done this adequately, and many giants of the past have fallen along the way due to their inability to stay apace. This is normal, though, and will continue to happen as long as markets stay competitive.


12 Possible Causes of a Failing Website

Posted on June 13th, 2018 by James Cummings in Lists, Guides

Failing Website

For any company with an online presence, website traffic is essential. The more visitors you attract, the more opportunities you'll have to advertise your brand, establish relationships, and ultimately sell your service or product. This is why a sudden drop in search engine traffic is a frightening prospect since it eventually leads to business losses and lower revenue.


10 Best Security Plugins for WordPress

Posted on June 4th, 2018 by Reuben Yonatan in

Best Security Plugins for WordPress

Millions of websites use WordPress for publishing their content, which makes the platform a target for hacking. Its open-source nature exposes the WordPress core code to thousands of viewers, which sounds problematic, but it allows very rapid discovery and correction of vulnerabilities.


15 Things Online Businesses Need to Know About Web Security

Posted on May 15th, 2018 by Shahid Mansuri in Guides, Security

Web Security

Web security for online businesses is not very well understood by many. The influx of content managing systems has led to a lot of online presence that is confused about how online security works. Some people who use these CMS do not know what web security is and how to implement it.