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Load Testing Is Crucial For Optimum Performance of your Website
Posted on March 5th, 2020 by Erna Clayton in Tools, GuidesFor a comparatively better user experience and more quality online traffic, all that's required is a fast and lightweight website.
A lightweight and super fast website's contribution towards comparatively better user experience and engaging online traffic cannot be ignored. One of the most critical aspects that have always kept the user hooked, engaged, has converted, ensuring optimal performance and reliability of the website, is - load testing. Load testing services for a website help in SEO rankings and better indexing, which otherwise would make it move at a snail's pace. Although there are a lot of other factors, such as artificial intelligence, cloud testing, and server location, which thoroughly improve the performance of a website, in this article, we will dedicatedly talk about load testing and how it helps optimize the site's performance.
11 Different Types of Spoofing Attacks to Be Aware Of
Posted on February 14th, 2020 by David Balaban in Lists, SecurityIn terms of cyber-attack vectors, spoofing is exactly what it sounds like. This term embraces a series of techniques aimed at masquerading an attacker or electronic device as someone or something else to gain the victim’s confidence. Whether it is used to deceive a user or to manipulate a computer system, this multi-pronged phenomenon is often at the core of social engineering hoaxes in general and phishing campaigns in particular.
The Best Free VPN in 2020
Posted on January 14th, 2020 by Connie Benton in ToolsWhether you need a VPN for Torrenting, streaming, or safe usage of public Wi-Fi networks, you may be off-put by the price tag. After all, why do you need to pay upwards of 8 dollars a month for something as basic as changing your IP address once in a while?
3 Proven Retail Sales Tactics Your E-Commerce Store Needs
Posted on December 19th, 2019 by Jeilan Devanesan inThere is a huge difference between shopping at an actual store and shopping online.
How to Prevent a Content Theft from Your Website
Posted on November 28th, 2019 by Dmitry Leiba in Guides, SecurityWeb content is being stolen, and that's a trend. In 2013, Google employee Matt Cutts said that 30% of content on the Internet is plagiarism. 6 years have passed, and the situation has not improved. Despite the emergence of a new source determination algorithm in Google, hundreds of thousands of users copy other people's photos, videos, and texts to present them as their own. We'll tell you how to protect content from theft and adequately respond to plagiarism.