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WebSitePulse 2020 Vacation Planning Websites Performance & Uptime Report

The spring over and the summer is already here. Along with it, a vacation mood is starting to build in most people.

However, this year vacation planning is much different than any other. Despite the fading of the COVID-19 outbreak, the risk of infection still exists. There is a financial aspect of it as well. The high unemployment rates caused by the pandemic has led to low or no vacation money for over 14 percent of the US working population alone. People are also bracing a second coronavirus outbreak and are not quite willing to spend much or any money on vacation, since they may need them in the near future.

Traveling business is taking heavy losses as well. Airlines, hotels, cruises, restaurants, and all indoor recreation places will operate at a limited capacity. On top of that, they will spend additional money on health precautions.

Even though the majority of the US population has already canceled their summer 2020 vacation, some are still planning on traveling. With the heavier competition, a perfect working travel booking website is a big plus. Whoever has prepared their website for better performance would get a bigger piece of the pie.

We at WebSitePulse, as a monitoring company, can't stress more on the importance of monitoring your websites and servers 24/7, especially when heavy traffic is expected, to make sure their performance and availability are spotless.

As we do annually, we will be keeping a close eye on 10 of the most popular US travel booking websites for their performance and uptime during the busiest booking period - June 10th - July 15th, 2020, and report their efficiency.

The WebSitePulse Performance Reports will measure the websites' uptime and response time as the most critical metrics for the availability and the reliability of any web-based operation, crucial for the End Users' overall online experience. Measurements of web transactions will be made every 15 minutes, simultaneously from 4 different monitoring locations.

In-depth analytical information is also collected and stored in the WebSitePulse system for future references.

The WebSitePulse Web Transaction Monitoring service is used to collect data and produce the Report.