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WebSitePulse 2017 Valentine's Day Online Retail Performance and Uptime Report

The next huge shopping fever is knocking on the door already. Yes, it's time for St. Valentine’s Day.

So what is “the cost of love”? According to the National Retail Federation, Americans will have spent approximately over $20 billion for Valentine’s Day this year. And since more and more customers are buying online, as it is faster, easier and, let's face it cheaper, e-shops are once again facing one “simple” task. Keep your website up and make sure it is faster than the competitors'. High downtime and response time mean disappointed customers – regardless of how great your Valentine’s gifts are.

As usual, we are going to monitor 7 of the most popular online retailers for Valentine’s day gifts. In the previous years, many of them were close to 100% availability and excellent performance, but let’s not forget that online customers become more pretentious regarding the websites’ performance. Thus, some websites might not be able to bear the heavy traffic and/or keep low response time just as they did in the previous years.

So why take any chances? Do the right thing and monitor your website.