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Egypt blocks Twitter, Anonymous Prepare To Strike Back

Posted on January 26th, 2011 by Victoria Pal in Tech

Apparently, the problems in Egypt have escalated to the point of online censorship now. Various sources report that Twitter and Facebook have been blocked in order to prevent videos, photos and other information about the protest from becoming public.

Twitter officially confirmed the block yesterday. Today Facebook is also consistently reported to be blocked.


Android Server Monitoring App

Posted on November 19th, 2010 by Victoria Pal in WebSitePulse News

We proudly present our Android Server Monitoring App to meet the demand for mobile monitoring solutions! We believe this mobile application will significantly increase the overall value of our services and will fill the existing gap for such a tool on the Android front. With our app, you will always have control over the performance of your website and/or server. You can enjoy all the features of our mobile website but in an interactive and more user-friendly way.

WebSitePulse's Current Status for AndroidAndroid applications are becoming more and more popular, partially because ~57% of them are free and mainly because many people love Google products. By introducing our mobile server monitoring application, we can now provide you with an easy way to keep track of your sites everywhere you go. Instant, on-demand uptime monitoring now fits in your pocket. The app is able to update the information on a preset interval and give you notifications for important events. As always, we are open to any suggestions for additional features. Your feedback is valuable to us, so if you experience any difficulties or have an idea for another Android application, let us know.


Choosing a Good Password

Posted on November 11th, 2010 by Victoria Pal in Tech

PasswordOften the only protection we have online are our passwords. Since passwords are used everywhere - from online banking to common blogs - they are an integral part from of our online presence. Private information is successfully becoming the most valuable resources to come by, so a lot of people are getting more and more paranoid about their privacy.

Each individual spending at least a couple of hours a week online has at least a handful of passwords to remember. It is, however, surprising how most people are still quite negligent when it comes to creating a good password. You will be surprised how people fall for cliches. Well, after all, this is what makes a cliche what it is - a lot of people backing it up.


The Great Firewall of China

Posted on October 14th, 2010 by Victoria Pal in

Golden ShieldHere, in WebSitePulse, our Customer Service representatives have heard one question over and over again:

“Why can’t my site/server be accessed from China?”


Site Speed - It Matters!

Posted on October 12th, 2010 by Victoria Pal in Tech

Website speedWe are all obsessed with speed. Just today the elevator in my building got me thinking how often we get nervous with the slightest changes in our every day routines.

It usually takes the elevator around 12-15 seconds to get me up to the 4th floor. All of a sudden, the elevator door began malfunctioning, and as a result it now takes me 15 seconds to get to the 4th floor, and another 5 for the door to open. After a couple of days I began to think that the stairs are not such a bad option. Now, imagine that this is your website. People are used to getting the information they need when they need it. When your site gets slower and it takes 10-20 second for a page to load, people tend to get nervous and find an alternative route to get what they want.