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What Is Quantum Computer?
Posted on July 15th, 2013 by Boyana Peeva in TechPretty much anything with the word “Quantum” in it sounds mysterious and unknowable but quantum computing is, in fact a reality. So much so that even Google develops one of them. The computer or smart phone you use now is capable of very fast computations using a binary system of storing information as a series of ones and zeros. However, while this system is scalable, it can only grow linearly.
What Is Cloud Monitoring?
Posted on July 9th, 2013 by Boyana Peeva in TechIn today's fast-paced world, consumers have come to expect nearly instantaneous results when loading websites - whether from their desktop computers, or their mobile devices. Because of this, it's imperative that businesses who used the web are able to keep up with customer demands. But how can you be certain that your internal server, website, and mobile applications are all functioning quickly and correctly? Your in-house IT department may be able to keep an eye on non-specialized issues during their scheduled shifts, but what about during off-hours? This is where cloud monitoring comes into play. In this post, we will explore the capabilities of cloud monitoring, and how it could significantly improve your business - and your bottom line.
What is "Cloud Monitoring"?
So what is "The Cloud"? A recent study completed by Wakefield Research revealed that while 54% of Americans claim that they've never used the cloud, making it seem very intimidating and futuristic. In reality, 95% of those same individuals use the cloud daily for online banking, shopping , email, and more.
What Is In-Browser Monitoring
Posted on July 2nd, 2013 by Boyana Peeva in TechIn-browser monitoring is one of the newest and most accurate monitoring tools out there today. Of course, the question for most people is what is this new technology and what makes it so extraordinary compared to the monitoring solutions of years past?
In-browser monitoring solutions are designed to keep an eye on web transactions and applications, and the way they are designed is unique. Companies can enjoy 24/7 remote monitoring support always to have an idea of how their system is functioning and where their performance is. The secret to this unique solution is that it tracks things from an end-user perspective. That means it shows the company what the customer sees, allowing them to make changes and improvements or fix issues as necessary.
What Happens When a Server Goes Down
Posted on June 28th, 2013 by Boyana Peeva in TechToday's business relies on technology more than ever. This is no longer a luxury, but a critical piece of the business and all technological tools need to be operating at peak performance for a business to be able to maximize its operation and sales. The problem is that technology doesn't always work like it should. When it's good, it's great. When something goes wrong, though, it can become a nightmare. Servers are a big deal in business. These are the items that hold all of your business's operational information and technology. The servers host your network and your computer system. Essentially, they're the foundation of your entire computer framework. Without them, you don't have a network.
What Are We Going To Do When a Server Goes Down?
When a server goes down, a lot of things can happen. First, you panic. Everyone does. It's a natural response because you've become so accustomed to your technology that not having it leaves you crippled and unsure of how to react. Once you collect yourself, you can start to troubleshoot the problem and see what's gone wrong. Companies that have a technical support team are definitely in a better position because they will take the reins and resolve the issues. Of course, even without a team you can still get to the bottom of the issue.
Google's Pie in the Sky: Balloon-Based Wireless Networks
Posted on June 26th, 2013 by Boyana Peeva in TechConnecting people to the internet creates more potential users of various web-based services, and more internet users would, in turn, create more potential customers for online marketplaces and more business-based need for online advertising. More than half the world's population does not use the internet, especially in developing nations and emerging markets, and Google plans to change that by the end of the decade. Naturally Google would want more businesses to opt in to Google's online advertising, as the search engine behemoth currently derives 87% of its over $50,000,000,000 in total annual revenue from selling online advertisements. (That would be fifty billion dollars; the zeroes were added for the "wow" factor to emphasize Google's obscene yearly revenue.)
Eric Schmidt, Chairman of Google, stated in a tweet on April 13th, "For every person online, there are two that are not. By the end of the decade, everyone on Earth will be connected." While some view this tweet as inexplicable and mysteriously directed at Google's secret laboratory's future-tech projects and goals, others see it as a prelude to Google's goal to encircle the globe with zeppelins much more benign than those deployed by the Third Reich. The search engine giant's recent high-altitude technological endeavors only serve to underscore the company's apparent aim of having control over every aspect of a person's connection to the internet on a global scale.