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Introducing Webpage In-Browser Monitoring

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Last updated February 1st, 2016 by Boyana Peeva in WebSitePulse News

We are delighted to announce the launching of our newest service - webpage in-browser monitoring.

Check out the features and see if it's right for you:


  • Performs within a real browser (WebKit engine)
  • Provides a real browser experience from a user perspective
  • Verifies keywords
  • Verifies DOM components against CSS selectors
  • Supports JavaScript and CSS
  • Uses multiple simultaneous connections
  • Provides screenshots on the last check and on every error
  • Provides detailed report with graphs

 Headers and results



Webpage In-Browser vs. In-Browser Transaction Monitoring

Similarly to the in-browser transaction monitoring, the webpage in-browser provides a real browser experience from a user perspective. Clients can actually ‘experience’ the availability and performance of their webpage’s web applications the same way their website’ visitors do, i.e. via a real browser engine.

While the in-browser transaction is based on the Firefox engine (GECKO) and our clients need to fill in a set of actions that we perform afterwards, the webpage in-browser is based on the WebKit engine identical to the Google Chrome’s one, and clients provide only an URL which we then have to load.

Webpage In-Browser vs. Full-Page Website Monitoring

Both services load the webpage along with all the components on it (images, CSS, JavaScript). However, webpage In-browser is more useful when the client needs to see how his website visitors view a specific webpage as that monitoring service occurs in a real browser. In addition, it will show a realistic view on the page load time. It performs the network requests simultaneously.

In contrast, full-page website monitoring will perform every network request separately. However, it is suitable when you need to check whether all components on the page load properly. 

For more detailed comparison between the two services, see the table below.

Full Page
Performs in Browser -
Browser Page Load -
Screenshot on Every Check -
Execute JS -
Execute CSS -
Multiple Simultaneous Connections -
Monitoring Interval
Maximum References to Check
Soft Timeout
Keep Detailed Logs
Traceroute on Error
Forced Monitoring
IPv6 -
XML Requests
Request Timeout
Page Load Timeout
Exclude URLs
Include Additional URLs -
Alert If Keywords Not Found
Alert If Keywords Found
Custom Headers
Force TLS/SSL Version
Bandwidth Limit -

Clients who have been using full-page monitoring, may continue to do so unless they decide to upgrade to webpage in-browser.

Curious how webpage in-browser  may further fulfill your monitoring needs?

We are now offering up to 2 targets for a period of one month free of charge.

Try Webpage In-Browser Monitoring Now

Boyana Peeva

Believes that the glass is rather half-full and that nothing is bigger than the little things. Enjoys writing, reading, and sharing content – information is power.

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