Since you are reading this blog, I can safely assume that you already know how e-mail works. The main problem occurs when it doesn’t. And it doesn’t matter whether you are running a business or running an errand – if your e-mail is not working, you are losing information. The truth is that most businesses experience at least one e-mail outage every year, and this downtime, combined with the recovery costs, can add up to hundreds and even thousands of dollars.
But what causes the e-mail outages?
There are many reasons why an e-mail system can stop functioning, but at first glance, the e-mail outages can be planned and unplanned.
The email monitoring agent will connect to the outgoing (SMTP) mail server, send a test message, and then will connect and login into your incoming (POP3 or IMAP) server and try to retrieve the message. If the message is retrieved, the test is successful, and the message will be deleted from your email system. If the message cannot be retrieved, the test will be considered failed, and alerts will be sent to the designated contacts. Of course, there are other possibles scenarios, but we will take a closer look at them in our next posts.
Having your e-mail system monitored constantly reduces your e-mail systems' downtime by up to 80% (compared to downtime without monitoring and error notification services). It also significantly reduces the time to troubleshoot the failed e-mail applications and, consequently, minimizes recovery expenses. Last but not least, being in the loop about your system's status eliminates the risk of lost or delayed valuable email communications and improves communication experience with your valued customers and associates.